Posted by maxi6215 on 17-05-2022 12:30
I observed this Conopidae the 21 of April in Audinghen in the north of France. I think of a
Myopa, Can we find the specie with these photo ? Maybe a
Myopa buccata ?
Cordially Maxime
Posted by serenense7 on 06-01-2023 20:01
I am not an expert; besides, if I come to read the forum, it is because I also have a question about a Myopa. Unfortunately, it seems that it may not be very reactive with Myopa.
But I have studied the genus a bit and for me it is not
buccata, in particular because the characteristic pale transverse rib is missing. Maybe
tessellaticornis or
pellucida (the same question as me!)
See :
Edited by serenense7 on 07-01-2023 10:24