Thread subject: :: Callicera female

Posted by Axel D on 04-05-2022 16:06


I found this hoverfly in my garden. It is either Callicera fagesii or C. macquarti (which don't seem to be common species) but is it possible to get the species ? I have a preference for C. fagesii because scutellum hairs seem long, I think there are black hairs on tergite 4 and hind tibia have a brownish apex, but I'm not sure at all.

Waiting for your answers. Thank you in advance.

Rosny-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France
29th of April 2022
Body length : 12 mm

Posted by Axel D on 04-05-2022 16:07

Antennas of fagesii/macquarti type (second segment short) :

Posted by Axel D on 04-05-2022 16:09

Dorsal view :

Posted by Axel D on 04-05-2022 16:09

Abdomen with black hairs ?