Posted by R_Majoor on 10-04-2022 20:31
a little while, I collected two galls of Retinia resinella, which by then still both contained a caterpillar. However, a little while ago (25-03-2022) I checked on them and found a Diptera pupa in each gall, with no traces of the caterpillar left. Today, an adult emerged from one of the two pupae.
Does anyone have an idea to what species this might be? If needed, I can keep the adult from the second pupa (if it emerges) for further examination.
Tachinidae indet. larva, parasitizing, uitgekweekt
date host collection: 2022-02-07
location: Ede - Ginkelsche Zand
See for the host.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Rayan Majoor
Posted by R_Majoor on 11-04-2022 09:17
Hi John and Theo,
thank you for the identification! The genus Actia seems to fit perfectly, and then indeed this species would actually be very logical. I also found some caterpillars of its secondary host (Rhyacionia buoliana) close by, so I'm curious as to whether I can also get this fly from these caterpillars.
Kind regards,
Rayan Majoor