Posted by Sundew on 30-12-2007 02:16
This is my last dead fly for this year, and it looks pretty battered, as spider victims do. However, I like its head with the long setae and the feather-like branched aristae. As to colour, abdominal pattern, and leg hairs I am inclined to call this fly a
Drosophila. Are there any serious objections?
Regards, Sundew
Posted by Nosferatumyia on 30-12-2007 09:10
a Drosophila. But I am too lazy to see where does it run in Baechli-Burla's key (Insecta Helvetica), and some important characters are not shown. IMHO, it is neither
D. melanogaster, nor
D. funebris , which are commonest where fruits or rotten potatoes are.