Posted by Roger Thomason on 08-03-2022 14:48
Anyone stick a Genus on this female Antho. found at a stagnant pool which was covered in rotting seaweed and goose crap at a beach.
Edited by Roger Thomason on 12-03-2022 23:36
Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-03-2022 15:14
I'm more inclined towards Muscidae with this one -
Limnophora perhaps?
Edited by Tony Irwin on 08-03-2022 15:15
Posted by tristram on 08-03-2022 20:53
Limnophora triangula.
Manual of Central European Muscidae gives "Frons as broad as 1/3 of head width in both sexes, 2 orbitals on each side, fronto-orbital plates brownish grey, parafacialia silvery white, brown frontal triangle often reacdhing anterior frontal margin, ...Scutum with 3 longitudinal stripes, 3 post-sutural dorsocentrals, presutural acrostichals in 3-4 irregular rows. .. Eurasian, in Europe from Spain, Corsica and Sicily to
Scotland and Lapland."
It looks a bit 'clean' compared to the other photos of the species on this site but your specimen might be just newly hatched (or it could be the flat illumination).
Edited by tristram on 08-03-2022 20:59
Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-03-2022 23:34
Thanks once again for the input and the corrections Tony and Tristram. I have a couple of
Limnophora on my Checklist but not
L.triangula. They are
Limnophora maculosa, Limnophora uniseta.
Not sure what "flat illumination" means but photos I take are all naturally lit with no flash. :P
Edited by Roger Thomason on 12-03-2022 23:34