Thread subject: :: Tachinidae? ---> Hyalurgus lucidus

Posted by arnor gullanger on 28-02-2022 20:59

This flie appeared as "lens louse" on a picture of a lepturine beetle(because it not was the main motive it is a bit out av focus.) I have received a suggestion on Hyalurgus lucidus.

Edited by arnor gullanger on 01-03-2022 21:59

Posted by Zeegers on 01-03-2022 07:57

That’s the one. Please always mention place and date, make life much easier (for me)


Posted by arnor gullanger on 01-03-2022 21:56

Thank you Theo! Sorry for the missing information about the observation.
It was seen on Angelica sylvestris along a forest road near lake Brossvikvatnet about 40 meters above sea level.
Gulen municipality, Vestland county, Western Norway. 14.07.2021

Edited by arnor gullanger on 01-03-2022 21:59

Posted by Zeegers on 02-03-2022 12:17

Yes, Norway I understood.
This is a boreo-alpine species, so it is good to know it is from Norway. Sea level is no problem, I found it in Estonia in numbers at sea level.
