Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae : Pegomya rufina?
Posted by sbushes on 12-12-2021 00:30
Would anyone agree this is Pegomya sp.?
... and if so would anyone agree any of the following points?
1. Legs are partly yellow (not entirely black/obscurely dark brownish)
2. Lower calypter larger in area than upper
3. Last three tarsomeres of mid and hind tarsi are NOT widened*
If the above conditions are correct, this is P.rufina I believe, according to the key to Pegomya females, in "Anthomyiidae Handout Vol 1" by Ackland/Bentley/Brighton.
( from DF members area - )
Edited by sbushes on 12-12-2021 12:51
Posted by sbushes on 12-12-2021 00:30
Lower calypter larger? ...or not clear enough to say?
Edited by sbushes on 12-12-2021 01:24
Posted by sbushes on 12-12-2021 00:31
Not widened tarsi(?)
Edited by sbushes on 12-12-2021 12:53
Posted by sbushes on 12-12-2021 00:31
Further images of same individual can be found here:
Edited by sbushes on 12-12-2021 03:35
Posted by sbushes on 12-12-2021 01:07
*For comparison of "widened" tarsomeres, I found this observation -
Note also, on key, this just leads to P.winthemi - which is confirmed at this link with reference to yellow palps and pale tip to scutellum. Both of which this observation does not have. It also has pale antennae. So it seems likely safe I think to rule this option out.
Description of P.rufina from key:
"Palpus and antennae dark brown or black. Apical tarsomeres of all tarsi with a pair of tiny sclerotized ventral processes in the form of flattened boomerangs. Frontal vitta without cruciate setae. All tarsi black. Abdomen orange and strongly shining ........................... ......................................................................rufina (FalleĢn)
Edited by sbushes on 12-12-2021 12:55