Posted by Sundew on 21-12-2007 23:48
This fly is so badly damaged that I first hesitated to show it at all. When I tried to remove at least a bit of the wrapping spider silk, it lost nearly all legs. However, it has a wing venation that is new to me, and I do not know where to put it. So I hope there is still enough left for identification. The thorax shows only some rows of small hairs , whereas the only foot present is quite hairy.
Sorry - you deserved a better fly for Christmas...
Edited by Sundew on 22-12-2007 14:13
Posted by Sundew on 22-12-2007 14:12
Ahhh - a flat-footed fly! There was an entanglement of leg debris connected to the fly by spider silk, and as I did not know whether all parts belonged to this fly or possibly to others (their remains formed quite a layer), I did not show a photo. However, I saw a very broadened part of a foot, obviously from a hind leg. Here it is, and it must really belong to this fly.
My specimen looks absolutely similar to the gallery photo of
Lindneromyia. Many thanks for identification, you made me a Christmas present!