Thread subject: :: Lonchaeidae, Polynesia

Posted by basti_st on 23-11-2021 02:47

Hi, I identified this species as a Lonchaeidae. So far, there are no records of any species in this family from French Polynesia. Can anyone help me with subfamily/ genus or help pointing me in a direction where I might find this species?

Thanks for any input and help

Edited by basti_st on 23-11-2021 02:47

Posted by Iain MacGowan on 23-11-2021 11:47

Hello Sebastian

I have done work on Pacific Island Lonchaeidae - but I dont recognise this one - I am still not 100% sure its a lonchaeid. Some lateral or head photos would be useful

Posted by basti_st on 23-11-2021 21:18

Hi Iain, thanks for your reply. Hope these images help. Best, Sebastian

Posted by basti_st on 23-11-2021 21:21


Posted by Iain MacGowan on 23-11-2021 23:11

Sebastian - thanks - that's better. I can see now its a Lamprolonchaea species which is not surprising given the location. Your specimen is a female - only males are identifiable - so if you find one I would be happy to have a look at it
best wishes .......... Iain

Posted by basti_st on 24-11-2021 06:39

Iain, thanks for the ID help! I know that Lamprolonchaea metatarsata has been reported from the Cook Islands, but a thorough examination of this specimen might nevertheless be valuable. Unfortunately, I only have collected this one female so far. If your offer to help still stands later, I'd get back to you once I find a male in one of my traps.


Posted by Iain MacGowan on 24-11-2021 12:09

There are many lLamprolonchaea sp in the Pacific - and many island endemics - so yes always interested to see them Just send me a private message if you want to get in contact ...... Iain