Thread subject: :: Scatophaga stercoraria?

Posted by Sundew on 18-12-2007 00:50

Can this brown hairy fly be anything other than Scatophaga stercoraria? It sat on a milfoil (Achillea millefolium) inflorescence on a paddock on 31 August, 2006.
Thanks, Sundew

Posted by Xespok on 18-12-2007 11:59


Posted by Sundew on 18-12-2007 22:33

Dear Gabor, I take your "yes" as an answer to the headline question (and thus confirmation of Scatophaga stercoraria). In this case the answer to the interrogative sentence starting my thread should be "no"...;)
I am happy - an unmistakable fly at last! Thanks,