Posted by evdebs on 31-10-2021 18:22
Can this Fucellia sp. be identified to species from these photos? It was seen among wrack on the Sussex coast of the UK in mid-August 2021.
Following a key to British Anthomyiidae by Ackland et al. 2017, it appears that Fucellia fucorum can be ruled out because the tibiae are not predominantly dark. Then choosing between F. tergina and F. maritima is more complicated. However, it looks to me as though the genae are less than 0.65x the height of the eyes, which would point towards F. tergina. The other character, which is only doubtfully visible in these shots, is the presence or absence of hairs between the presutural acrostichal setae. Though it's really difficult to be sure, it looks like there aren't hairs between the presutural acrostichals, which again would point to F. tergina.
Any help with the ID would be much appreciated!