Thread subject: :: Wagneriini?

Posted by zcuc on 14-12-2007 16:03

Found in Israel.

Edited by zcuc on 14-12-2007 20:55

Posted by zcuc on 14-12-2007 16:05

Dorsal view of wings.

I had bad lighting condition, sorry for th eimage quality.

Posted by zcuc on 14-12-2007 16:11

It was the end of the day and I notice that all the flies were searching for a place to sleep inside cracks in a stony area. Almost any crack I checked contain a fly standing backwards with it's face to the exist.

Edited by zcuc on 14-12-2007 16:14

Posted by Zeegers on 14-12-2007 19:31

Great pictures !
It's not a Rhinohorid, but a Tachinidae, clearly in the tribe Wagneriini.
Difficult group, but pictures are quite good.
It's either Wagneria or Periscepsia, I'd say is Periscepsia, in which case it can only be P. handlirschi. I'm not sure if it completely fits this species, need to check my collection.


Posted by zcuc on 14-12-2007 20:53

I'd collected one sp. so if you need me to check anything it is possible.

Posted by Zeegers on 15-12-2007 09:33


Do you know the humeri, the 'shoulders' at the front of the thorax ?
Question: are there either 2 large bristles on each humerus, 3 in a straight line or 3 in a clear triangle ?


Posted by zcuc on 15-12-2007 14:29

Here an image

Posted by Zeegers on 15-12-2007 16:39

There seem to be 2, also another feature is not consistent with Periscepsia. So it is Wagneria. Very difficult genus.
I have little hope we can ID to species level. But I'll give it a try.
