Thread subject: :: Drosophila busckii (ID by Paul Beuk) ; SW Spain

Posted by Andre Burgers on 14-10-2021 09:10

In my bedroom, yesterday evening.

Comparing some photos on the intgernet it looks like Drosophila busckii, but sure there are hundreds of lookalikes. :|

¡Saludos! |t

Edited by Andre Burgers on 14-10-2021 16:12

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-10-2021 13:30

There may be lookalikes but not in Spain.

Posted by Andre Burgers on 14-10-2021 15:11

Paul Beuk wrote:
There may be lookalikes but not in Spain.

Happy to be in Spain. :D

Bedankt Paul! |t