Posted by colinleb on 23-08-2021 16:27
Is this fungus-infected fly
Chorisops tibialis please? UK. 21 August 2021.
Posted by Zeegers on 23-08-2021 17:26
It is a Chorisops and it looks like a male. It is very yellow for tibialis male …
Posted by colinleb on 23-08-2021 18:27
Thank you Theo. I am using the key in
British Soldierflies 2nd edn by Stubbs and Drake and distinction between
C. tibialis and
C. nagatomii seems to be difficult? I have tried to compare specimen with the figures for terminalia in Speight's 1981 paper in the
Irish Nationalists Journal, Vo 20 No 8. but without coming to a conclusion. I post here views of the specimen but not sure they help much?