Thread subject: :: A Special Tachinidae

Posted by valter on 06-12-2007 00:33

Location: Algarve, Portugal

Date Photo Taken: November 24, 2007

Edited by valter on 21-12-2007 17:57

Posted by ChrisR on 06-12-2007 01:46

a nice tachinid - perhaps tribe Goniini?

Posted by Andre on 06-12-2007 01:52

To my opinion it's not Tachinidae, but Calliphoridae, genus Pollenia.

Posted by Kahis on 06-12-2007 11:10

Naah, it is a tachinid, but I have no idea which one...

Posted by Andre on 06-12-2007 12:52

What convinces you?

Posted by Susan R Walter on 06-12-2007 15:00

I vote Tachinidae - Bristles on the abdomen too strong and stiffly erect. No sign of proclinate orbital setae and frontal bristles just look too neat and stiff for Pollenia.

Edited by Susan R Walter on 06-12-2007 15:00

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 06-12-2007 15:04

Tachinidae - Goniinae.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 06-12-2007 15:05

what the heck..?... with venation!!! M vein seems to have one another vein that doesn't reach the wing margin... unusual!

Posted by crex on 06-12-2007 15:12

That extension on M1-M2 isn't very common, I think ... and as Jorge says.

Posted by crex on 06-12-2007 17:59

Maybe something close to Microphthalma europaea!?

Posted by valter on 06-12-2007 19:43

crex wrote:
Maybe something close to Microphthalma europaea!?

This is Microphthalma europaea... but the first Fly seems different!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 06-12-2007 19:53

the last seems to be M. europaea. Not a Goniinae. Microphthalma belongs to the Tachininae subfamily.

see here photos taken by myself.

Posted by Zeegers on 07-12-2007 11:24

It's a Tachinid, it's very special, I have never seen it and I would need the specimen to tell you more (this one picture is not enough for me)


Posted by valter on 21-12-2007 17:53

More 2 Photos...

Posted by Zeegers on 24-12-2007 16:33

might be some Chaetogena. Still, a long shot
