Thread subject: :: Asilidae => cf. Philonicus albiceps

Posted by Gansucha on 04-08-2021 06:58

Ukraine, Rivne region, July 25.
Is it possible to establish the genus of this individual?
Unfortunately, we managed to take only one photo ...

Edited by Gansucha on 05-08-2021 20:24

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 04-08-2021 21:20

Asilinae, very uncertain Philonicus albiceps

Posted by Gansucha on 05-08-2021 20:23

Thank you very much, Reinoud!
Glad to see you on the forum!

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 06-08-2021 00:35

:-) There now so many places demanding my attention I sometimes forget to look here