Thread subject: :: Urophora sp. - Switzerland

Posted by Vaudoiseaux on 06-07-2021 15:39


I saw this Urophora sp. on 25 June 2020 in Switzerland. I posted this observation on another forum, where it was identified first U. jaceana, then U. cuspidata in a second time. It seems that it looks more like U. cuspidata than U. jaceana. What do you think ?

Seen on a Cyanus segetum.

Link to iNaturalist observation https://www.inatu...s/50869844
Link to the other forum https://www.insec...p;t=217991

Thank you!

Edited by Vaudoiseaux on 06-07-2021 15:40

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 19-07-2021 17:16

the only reliable difference is the fore femur with black stripe in cuspidata and entirely orange in jaceana

Posted by Vaudoiseaux on 20-07-2021 14:08

Thanks a lot for your answer !

Posted by Mathurin C on 10-09-2024 15:17

Hello, the dark femur I exclud U. jaceana, ok.
But what is the criterion for excluding U. solsticialis ?

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 10-09-2024 21:19

Generally, males of U. cuspidata and U. solstitialis can be separated ONLY based on DNA barcode, or if reared from the flower head. Urophora solstitialis infests only Carduus spp., so the chance it is U. cuspidata is nearly 100%

Posted by Mathurin C on 11-09-2024 20:45

Thanks for the explanation !

So here to confirm the species it is necessary to exclude the presence of the host plant in the immediate vicinity.

Edited by Mathurin C on 11-09-2024 20:50

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 12-09-2024 09:19

Yes, this is the way. However, some Urophora can visit the non-host plants: I collected U. terebrans, another species of the solstitialis group of species on Jurinea, but they never infested their flower heads