Thread subject: :: Dahliana echinus?

Posted by Elena Regina on 06-07-2021 00:51

Lazio, 2021-VI, TBL 4 mm

Isn't it too small for a D. echinus adult female?? Presence of pale scale patch on metameron + lower setae on mesepimeron has yet to be verified among other diagnostic characters as in this allopatric specimen:

Posted by Tony Irwin on 07-07-2021 10:26

When I try to open the photos, I get a warning that there may be a security problem with the source. Is that just me?
From what I can see in these photos, we have a Dahliana species, but I can't be sure which one

Posted by Elena Regina on 08-07-2021 01:01

Tony Irwin wrote:
When I try to open the photos, I get a warning that there may be a security problem with the source. Is that just me?

I've been trying uselessly to upload attachments directly on this otherwise impeccable website since day one... I'm still wondering why it never worked :S