Posted by AliWi on 18-06-2021 10:55
Hi again,
is it possible to identy this Geomyza and distinguish between hackmani and balachowskyi?
Found on 13.05.2021 near Hannover, lower Saxony, germany.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards
Posted by Jan Willem on 18-06-2021 19:50
Females of
Geomyza hackmani normally have a largely black abdomen, not this banded patern, but I have seen exceptions to this rule. Also
Geomyza hackmani normally has a much darker subscutellum. So this all seems to point in the directlon of
Geomyza balachowskyi. To be entirely sure you would have to study sternite 8 which is retracted.
Considering what is visible this is almost certainly a female of Geomyza balachowskyi.
Posted by AliWi on 22-06-2021 09:01
Thank you very much, Jan Willem for the explanation and description of ID criteria.
I hope to keep them in mind ;-)
Best wishes