Posted by Urs on 01-12-2007 16:41
who can help to identify?
Foto: Switzerland, Wattwil SG, 750m NN, 13.Mai.2007
Thank you.
Posted by John Bratton on 05-12-2007 12:12
I'm no expert but I'll have a go since no one else is. I think it is a Ctenophora. Tanyptera is a possibility without a good view of the antennae, but I think it is too colourful for Tanyptera and the ovipositor is probably not big enough, though it could be curving up towards the camera. Of the British Ctenophora, it fits pectinicornis, but there will probably be other possibilities in Switzerland.
Incidentally, the picture of pectinicornis in the gallery looks an unusually dark one.
John Bratton