Thread subject: :: Suillia sp.?
Posted by Niek van Wijk on 01-12-2007 13:56
Dear flyforum,
I took a picture of this fly, of which I believe that it could be a Suillia sp., today in my garden. It looks like Suillia I photographed earlier this year, but it is much smaller (approx. 3 mm.) and I cannot count on this picture (perhaps because of it's quality) the five dorsocentral setae per row Kahis gave me as a clue in an earlier thread.
Could anyone help me to ID it?
Regards, Niek
Posted by Niek van Wijk on 01-12-2007 13:57
second picture
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 01-12-2007 14:02
no Suillia sp. This is another thing. :)
Posted by Niek van Wijk on 01-12-2007 14:11
Thank you Jorge for your quick reply (within 5 min!).
I hope someone can ID it since, not being Suillia, it will be a new picture in my "garden collection".
Regards, Niek
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 01-12-2007 14:13
maybe Tephroclamys rufiventris. or not.
Posted by Niek van Wijk on 02-12-2007 13:31
Dear Jorge,
Thank you for your indication.
I have been surfing with Tephroclamys (and Tephrochlamys) rufiventris on the internet and here in other threads. It is quite similar indeed.
Could anyone confirm or further comment on this?
Best regards, Niek
Posted by Andrzej on 03-12-2007 18:52
ID correct !,
Posted by Niek van Wijk on 03-12-2007 19:10
Dear Andrzej,
Thank you for your confirmation.
Best regards, Niek