Thread subject: :: Tipula 2021-vi-14 (= Tipula (Yamatotipula) jacobus)

Posted by John Carr on 14-06-2021 19:47

I was attracted to a commotion as people tried to defend themselves from a giant mosquito.

Massachusetts, USA June 14, 2021.

Edited by John Carr on 28-06-2021 16:38

Posted by John Carr on 14-06-2021 19:48


Posted by John Carr on 14-06-2021 19:49

Wing and thorax

Posted by John Carr on 14-06-2021 19:50


Posted by John Carr on 28-06-2021 16:37

ID as Tipula (Yamatotipula) cayuga or jacobus by Jon Gelhaus. Given that information Alexander's key says Tipula jacobus (stigma not darker than costal cell, veins brownish yellow, tergite of hypopygium without finger-like lobes).