Thread subject: :: Chamaepsila... Chamaepsila pectoralis.
Posted by Roger Thomason on 06-06-2021 23:47
Found on Wild Angelica on the edge of the beach at Graven, Shetland. Looking online the closest match I found is
Chamaepsila pectoralis which isn't recorded from here before. Correct ID or something else...
Edited by Roger Thomason on 07-06-2021 19:23
Posted by Roger Thomason on 06-06-2021 23:47
Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-06-2021 06:57
C. pectoralis is correct
Posted by Roger Thomason on 07-06-2021 19:22
Thanks for that Paul... :)
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Posted by Darwyn Sumner on 21-07-2021 07:59
A request for it to be added to the UK Species Inventory has been made at
I'll try to get it onto NBN Atlas this year if you'll let me have the details (made a stab at the location but could only estimate the date)
Both Peter Chandler and Tony Irwin have taken a look at it and Tony confirms.
Taxon details at
Can I use the images for my next Micropezid & Tanypezid newsletter?
Good hunting