Posted by Krister Hall on 29-11-2007 12:03
I found these two flies on Grey Hair Grass, Corynephorus canescens. Even though one of them i green and the other is yellow I suspect that they belong to the same species or at least the same genus.
Any one who can help me to identify them ?
Posted by Kahis on 29-11-2007 12:32
Meromyza (Chloropidae). The two flies are probably of the same species: the pale green one is a female, the yellowish green one a male.
Idenstification of
Meromyza species is difficult. Happily your fly is one of the few which can be identified from photographs with any certainty:
M. pratorum, by the following characters:
* yellow palpi
* adbomen with one like and two spots
* frons strongly extended
* sternopleural spot yellow (ventral side, between legs 1&2)
M. pratorum is the largest species of the genus in N. Europe. It is common on dry meadows.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-11-2007 12:41
Meromyza of the Chloropidae. You have both female (top two) and male (bottom two) specimens.
Posted by Susan R Walter on 29-11-2007 13:29
These are super little flies and great photos. I hope you are going to submit them to the gallery :)