Posted by Sundew on 27-11-2007 23:26
I picked another fly from my dead stock that is not too damaged and might thus be identified. Its thorax has four dorsocentral setae per row and four setae on the scutellum. The legs are hairy but not conspicuously bristly. Sadly, the abdomen is heavily shrunk. Whether there are hairs on the arista I could not see even with the stereo microscope - if necessary I'll have a second look. Which name can I write on the tombstone?
Thanks, Sundew
Posted by Sundew on 28-11-2007 23:50
This seems to be a straight tip! My poor fly doesn't have those bright red eyes any longer, but this is the course of the world. The only thing that confuses me a bit is the shortness of the aristae (I don't think they are broken), as the few reliable
Palloptera photos show distinctly longer ones. Nevertheless many thanks for the approach to a name,