Thread subject: :: Golden fly

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 25-11-2007 17:41

About 8mm body length, restlessly wandering on a Hebe species shrub. I never saw such a golden thorax and have no idea of the species.

Joaquim Gaspar

Posted by Jan Willem on 25-11-2007 17:55

Pollenia spec.?

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 25-11-2007 18:08

Thank you, Jan, indeed it looks like Pollenia sp. Could it be P. rudis?
I've just learned it is a pest in some places, but it is the first time I see one.

Joaquim Gaspar

Posted by Sundew on 25-11-2007 19:07

It seems that Pollenia species are hardly distinguishable. Even the experts don't go so far in most cases, as I have observed in the forum. Not all specimens are thus golden, the older ones lose the golden hairs (see dark animals in the gallery.) Here Pollenia is very frequent and overwinters in swarms in sheds, arbours, and attics, where you can find lots of them sitting on the window panes (see Nikita's photo under http://www.dipter...oto_id=991.) I freed a big number of them from my brother's arbour recently with the result that now they sat on the outer side of the windows and wanted to get in again :).
Once you have seen one knowingly you will meet many more!