Thread subject: :: Kirbya moerens from Leipzig? => Kirbya moerens.

Posted by Maik Hausotte on 24-04-2021 09:43

is this fly from April 21, 2021 from Leipzig (Saxony / Germany) again Kirbya moerens?
I'm also unsure because, according to Tschorsnig & Herting (1994), this species is rare (global warming, spread?).
Best regards,

Tschorsnig, H.-P. & Herting, B. (1994): „Kirbya moerens (Meigen). — Südeuropa und wärmeres Mitteleuropa (bis Paris, Aachen); NW, RP, BW / CH. - Wiesen, Waldränder. – E Feb. bis M Mai, 1 Generation. - In trockenem Gras und auf vorjährigem Laub; normalerweise selten, lokal und jahrweise aber häufig (Oberrhein). — Wirte unbekannt.“

Edited by Maik Hausotte on 24-04-2021 11:15

Posted by Zeegers on 24-04-2021 11:10


It is becoming rapidly less rare, though it is still an interesting observation.


Posted by Maik Hausotte on 24-04-2021 11:14

Thank you very much for the quick help.
Best regards,