Thread subject: :: Asilidae Forum opens

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-05-2004 16:30

Dear all,

Since the asilidae-l mailing list will be closed down in a few days, I decided to open this forum on my website. Please, consult me before submitting images, as these may be taking to much space on the webserver.

The website itself is new, although I have been trying to find time the last couple of years to develop a comprehensive site. All the old work is backed up and will gradually be fed it into this site. Although the individual links will not give as much information, it will be much more friendly on my time and will enable me to deal with your contributions more promptly.

I hope you will enjoy it. Suggestions for other forums, etc. are welcome.


Edited by Paul Beuk on 13-05-2004 13:57