Thread subject: :: A beauty of Sepsidae fly!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 11-09-2006 18:15

Kahis wrote:
Somehow this fly does not trigger my 'Sepsidae receptors'. My first thought was Ulidiidae. Compare with this (unidentified) Ulidid from a riverside forest in America: http://www.myrmec...idiid1.JPG.

This thread turns now very interesting. :) I must to go there again in these days to take better photos with much better quality. But let?s try to realize what can be really this fly. :) I agree that this can be Sepsidae. After all, it could be misleading for a Platystomatidae one... but the design of wing is different, so I agree with Sepsidae fly (thanks Jan Willem and Nikita)... and not Ulidiidae... and now, please, correct if I'm getting wrong: this fly didn?t have a pronounced tip abdomen like these: http://www.pbase...._ulidiidae
But I don?t know by sure. So, I will enjoy to "hear" more opinions.

It would help to know the habitat AND the body mean size of these two families: Ulidiidae and Sepsidae flies.

This fly was about 5 mm. Not sure.

One another question: why some flies mimics ants (I?m talking about Sepsidae flies, for example) if they don?t catch them? And in this way can be more subject to predators too...