Thread subject: :: Dipter unknown... please help me on ID.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-06-2006 11:41

Robert Nash wrote:
My Amblyjoppa fuscipennis is very similar to the pic but has black femora and entirely pale tibia whereas these are banded. I only have a female and this may be a sex difference. Amblyjoppa attentatoria (Kuzin 1950) from Russia only seems unlikely and I have no idea what it looks like.The only other Western Palaearctic species of this (so far as I know too) distictive genus is Amblyjoppa proteus' It is mostly black. Complex keys indeed Impossible without specimens.How big was it Mine is about 2cmm long. Robert Nice ich nice photo

Just a little more than 1 cm.
So there is yet doubts, some says Amblyjoppa others says it is not Ichnomeinae... Come on with more opinions, please.

Thank you.