Thread subject: :: Calliphoridae ? - Bellardia viarum/vespillo ?

Posted by johnes81 on 26-08-2017 11:09

it is Bellardia but species level is difficult with keys.
I think that it is between vespillo and vulgaris.

I have zero specimens for Bellardia so I have no idea how to interpret the work of Knut Rognes. Knut Rognes states that vulgaris has pale wing veins but offers no comparison of dark versus pale. The wing veins of this fly look dark and the wing is infuscated. stricta is mentioned as having infuscation but nothing else matches stricta. bayeri is supposed to have a dark spot on the parafacials that is visible from above. I see a dark line but nothing conclusive. The white dusting of the parafacials verifies a male and the dusting is weak because photo number 5 shows a completely dark face. I will assume that vespillo is the best match but I have nothing to compare it with.

Maybe someone here has experience with Bellardia? otherwise, a good photo of the cerci/surstyli will be helpful. lateral and dorsal views.