Thread subject: :: A third Madeiran fly

Posted by Alan Outen on 01-12-2014 10:01

Many thanks Tony. I DO indeed have the specimen if it is of any interest. I would be happy to send it if you want it. The 2008 List of Terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos lists just 9 Calliphorids for Madeira with S. lunata as the only native species! (The others are Calliphora vomitoria, C. vicina, Chrysomya albiceps, C.megacephala, Lucilia sericata, Pollenia angustigena, P.pediculata and P. rudis are the other eight). Thus on the basis of the species known to be here there are no other alternative Rhiniinae!

Many thanks again


Edited by Alan Outen on 01-12-2014 10:13