Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae, Fanniidae and Muscidae of Mordovia

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-12-2020 12:35

Libor, it is a surprise for me :@
I have seen Dvorak et al. 2020, shortly glanced at it and saved the paper to my archive. (Anisopodidae, Bibionidae, Clusiidae ... - not my groups). If I look longer I'd found Sciomyzidae and, of course, refer to your article. A pity.
Well, dear Sciomyzid colleagues, Euthycera chaerophylli and Tetanocera freyi should be added to Mordovian list. Thus, total amount of species is so far 37.
Once again, Libor, excuse me, it was an error, not not malicious intent.