Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae -> Eutrichota sp.

Posted by javanerkelens on 28-12-2014 15:03

Because we don’t have a clear view on the lenght of the aristal hairs and expanded fore tarsi, there are more possibilities ….
Eutrichota seems right, but it also could be Eutrichota frigida (in outer appearance they can look very simular)…the main differents between those two are the lenght of the aristal hairs and wich tarsi segments are enlarged.
In E. praepotens tarsi segments two to four are expanded.
In E. frigida tarsi segments three and four are expanded.
In my opinion…only the thirth and fourth tarsi segments seems expanded, but …...I am not 100% sure.

I would keep this fly for now as Eutrichota species.
