Thread subject: :: > Phaeomyiidae, Pelidnoptera nigripennis?

Posted by nick upton on 08-08-2012 11:16

Hi Bill, good to hear from you - I remember you from the Pax days and have very fond memories of T&T which I visited 10x, totalling well over a year for various projects. I still make films and one I just completed for the RSPB Film Unit on the return of Eurasian Cranes to the UK is here: but my sideline is stills photography, much of it macro. Another correspondent I mailed my image to suggested that my Pelidnoptera fits P. nigripennis best based on leg and wing colour, so that may be the most likely ID. Maybe you can direct Paul to the paper that places Pelidnoptera in the Sciomyzidae rather than Phaeomyiidae? Maybe my first guess (and with my level of dipteran knowledge, it was a guess...!) was right.