Thread subject: :: ID help please

Posted by ChrisR on 11-08-2008 21:30

Hi Dave

Got your email with photo. I have attached it here for the other readers on the forum :)

It is a Tachina grossa - one of Britain's largest flies and a parasitoid of large moth larvae, usually in woods or heaths. I wouldn't say it is rare but it is local to suitable habitats ... but when it is seen it tends to stand out a bit so people do spot them quite often ;)

Can you give me the usual record information (date, location, grid reference) for this, so we can enter it into the recording scheme database? :)

Chris R.

PS: the photo didn't upload for me either, which probably means something about the encoding defeated the phpFusion software that runs this forum. To get around it I just cropped it a bit in PhotoShop and resaved it and uploaded the new version, which seems to work fine now :)

Edited by ChrisR on 11-08-2008 21:59