Thread subject: :: Stratiomys chamaeleon? -> S. concinna

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 03-02-2009 23:36

In my Polish key (Trojan,1963)

1.Antennae black
*S. longicornis
*S. potamida
*S. cenisia
*S. chamaeleon
*S. singularior(=furcata)
*S. equestris

- last antennal segment red or brown-red

*first segment black or brownish - S. concinna
* all segments red ....... - S. ruficornis

Stratiomys on the photo have red antennae and hairs are black on thoracic dorsum (chamaeleon with yellow)

I can send key but in polish.(I haven't time to translate)