Thread subject: :: Helina/Phaonia

Posted by johnes81 on 01-07-2018 22:02

Hello Martino777, Helina lasiophthalma female should have yellow legs, so it couldn't be that species. I only have experience with 10 Helina species and i've identified them by genitalia and keys with the specimen in hand. I do not have enough experience to even guess with this photo. If i assume many things, I end up at H. celsa and that doesn't seem correct. I really cannot see enough to confirm Helina. I just don't think that it is a Phaonia.

Stephane is very good in this situation. Nikita is a specialist. I am only helpful if i have the specimen. I try to be as helpful as i can be in the forum so as to give back to the community that helps me often. I try to help or offer suggestions for many things that i have no experience with. I will say things like "maybe", "looks like" or "should be" for conjecture based suggestions. I would suggest something if i could recognize even one feature. I cannot recognize this species, so i cannot help.

In order to key Helina we must assume several things: is the meron hairy or bare?, is the prosternum hairy or bare? is there setae on the radial node of the wing? are there presutural ac? how many post dc? is the prealar shorter than the posterior notopleural? is the underside of the scutellum haired or bare?

it could be possible to tell more if you had more photos and angles.

I am sorry. I wish that i could help you. I just cannot recognize it. However, if it is Helina, then it cannot be Helina lasiophthalma.

Maybe someone else can recognize it. I hope that you have a pleasant night :)