Thread subject: :: Limoniidae; Metalimnobia quadrinotata (was Tipulidae?)

Posted by blowave on 08-11-2010 22:01

I'm not an expert, but I have looked at the Limoniidae key and the wing pattern matches that of Metalimnobia quadrinotata. This has only an apical dark ring on the femora, shorter wings to 15mm with typically a row of spots near the base. Here, this one is more common in woodland but I have never seen one! Separated from zetterstedti by genitalia, not present in the UK but could be.

There is also M. quadrimaculata, on the femora there is apical as well as subapical dark rings. They can be large, up to 21mm wing length.

I think I got all that, but please take my ID with caution! ;)

Aha, I see I have got the genus correct!

Janet :)