Thread subject: :: Leucozona

Posted by Juergen Peters on 23-05-2005 19:19

Hello, Gerard!

Gerard Pennards wrote:
To distinguish between Leucozona lucorum and L. inopinata, you have to look at the side margin of the 4th abdominal segment, called tergite 4!
In L. lucorum tergite 4 has predominantly white hairs, with some black hairs in the middle of the tergite. In L. inopinata tergite 4 has dark hairs, also along the side margin. The other difference lays in the percentage of very small hairs in a certain cell in the wing, but without magnification difficult to see!

Thanks for your explanations! My main problems seem to be a) to tell which hairs are really dark or only seem to be so because of the dark background and - more serious - b) to identify tergite 4 :-(. Counting from the thorax I looked at the tergite no. 2 for the dark hairs (see arrow). Or have I to count from the back end (in- oder excluding the small final segment)? Also, the numbering seems to be incongruent between the different insect orders. Not the end of my difficulties: additionally the original 11 segments are redeveloped or fused in most higher insects... :-/