Thread subject: :: Phoridae: Chaetopleurophora or Hirotophora?

Posted by Steve Scholnick on 27-12-2021 06:29

Update: I've found the original description of Chaetopleurophora rufithorax but not any photos. Brues' text suggests that the present fly is not C. rufithorax based on the features of C. rufithorax described below. Although some of the distinctions are pretty subtle, the following seem fairly strong: "Length, 2.0mm" (vs. 3.5 for the present specimen); "hind legs pale, at the base, blackened beyond the basal third of the femora" (vs. as most reddish tan beyond basal half); "palpi fuscous" and "very small" (small is in the eyes of the beholder but the palps don't look small to me); "Front tibiae without any bristles before apex" (vs. a very strong bristle about 1/3 of the way down from the base.)

Edited by Steve Scholnick on 27-12-2021 06:31