Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae keys

Posted by Andrzej on 26-10-2006 15:46

Mon cher Pierre-Nicolas,

As you are a Diptera specialist you should start to verify all known Catalogues, i.e. the Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera.

Unfortunately, there is no one key for its identifications.
There are some old papers but without types examination you will not be sure which species is really correctly determined.
The main papers regarding the West-Europaean Heleomyzid are those made by Czerny (1909-1937). See Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera (vol. 10 from 1984). A key to Bristish heleomyzid given by Collin (1943) was also good !
But please note, that a lot of species has been described after the second World War !

(a specialist in Heleomyzidae s. lato)