Thread subject: :: Athericidae (or Rhagionidae?) - two in one

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-07-2011 17:37

Both are Athericidae.

First is Ibisia marginata.

For second I do not see R4 vein well - it is out of focus! But it seems follow a path non-sinusoidal . It can be an Atrichops. Different sex compring ones with the Andrade. I would say Atrichops (yours a female). It fits well: broadly darkened tip and smaller areas infuscated in the wing; alternate band of yellow/black in abdomen; R4 vein seems to follow a non-sinusoidal path (in this case it NEVER could be an Ibisia or Atherix)

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 04-07-2011 18:11