Thread subject: :: Quiz: Thaumaleidae: Thaumalea

Posted by Gordon on 10-08-2008 07:26

Thanks Xylo,
I will let you know if you offer is likely to be taken up. Would you be able to determine Chaoborids, I believe there are only three species in Europe, but I have found no key to separate them?

For today I can say that I have been offered the supposedly part-time job for four months of sorting out fish species from Cormorant pellets, while it would undoubtedly be interesting I am a little worried, as they don't have a full reference collection, that it might end up taking up all my time as I will have to work my way into it.

Still it would hopefully allow me to get a lot more of this years material sorted, but as Prof. Malicky the Trichoptera expert has asked me to keep running several of the traps at least until December, I might just end up with a different cupboard full of unsorted material so I will keep everybody's offers of help in mind.

Dear Paul,
What can I say, I will do me best to find some male Thaumaleids but you know how it goes.
