Thread subject: :: fly looking fr its family : Pallopteridae? Heleomyzidae ? Scatophagidae?

Posted by Louis Boumans on 16-10-2009 12:25

Yes, well it actually keys out as Pallopteridae, and I was sure it was sth like a sister species to P. ustulata.

But as JW in another forum at first thought it wasn't, and JW knows everything about Dutch Pallopteridae, I was quickly convinced it had to be sth else ..

Now this option is back again. In fact it's overall appearance is quite like P. ustulata but I don't think it is this species. I have no Pallopteridae key at hand and my private collection only has females. I see following differences between my females ustulata and this specimen; the latter has:
- no trace of apical spot
- slight darkening of crossveins
- scutum and scutellum concolourous (scutellum yellow in ustulata)
- darker wing veins and legs
- different fine setation of face and legs (but large setae on thorax very similar)

I attach another picture of the scutellum.