Thread subject: :: Thereva cf. fulva

Posted by Sundew on 13-07-2016 12:54

Wow - what a discussion! And it was so simple with the van Veen key... He writes concerning confusion with T. fulva: "T. nobilitata might have tergite 2-3 almost completely dusted, but the black frontal spot does not reach the front ocellus." Which is true here. And T. handlirschi is said to have blackish halteres - here clearly yellowish to brownish, so T. nobilitata. As to the shape of the callus, there is only one option for all females except T. valida: "Frons with a broad spot that is about as high as long". No further differentiation.
So my conclusion is: you do not trust this key, though it is based on van der Goot (1985), the situation is more complicated. Bad for me! So it's T. cf. nobilitata then. Thanks!

Edited by Sundew on 13-07-2016 12:54