Thread subject: :: Leptocera or related to ID (Sphaeroceridae)-->Leptocera cf. caenosa

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 27-11-2020 21:10

Finally I understood that Leptocera nigra thorax has hairs (that look like small setae), small achrosticals and big dorsocentrals. "Acrosticales indistinctes de la pilosité du fond."(Séguy)

L. fontinalis and L. oldenbergi have hairs, big achrosticals and big dorsocentrals (Acrosticales distinctes de la pilosité du fond.)

I found my specimen different from this one Leptocera nigra:
http://www.microp...0nigra.htm but now I understood this one has the dorsocentrals fallen.

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 27-11-2020 23:55