Thread subject: :: Phoridae from larva to aduld

Posted by Kirsten Eta on 04-10-2008 23:31

Hallo together,

the result of this experience is a 2 mm Phoridae. This time I'm sure, it was growing in a caterpillar of Pieris rapae;). Found it in my garden on Tropaeolum minus, Norderstedt, West Germany.

I'm very exiting, if there ist more to say than Phoridae sp. In this case I cept one of the flies. Sorry for the bad pictures, but 2 mm is not good for me and my camera. I noticed that some of this flies were black and had long wings, others were more light with short wings. Both were a little bit striped in cream and black, the one with the short wings more intensiv. Both had dark red eyes.

The whole story on

Edited by Kirsten Eta on 05-10-2008 10:53