Thread subject: :: High altitiude Sepsidae

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 27-05-2006 19:05

In 1987 Adrian Pont discribed new genus of Sepsidae - Susanomira caucasica (was found near Elbrus mount). Few years later Andrey Ozerov also found this speciec in another Caucas point and show that Susanomira lives at min alt 1600m, at cow dung.
I decided that:
1. Susanomira has to be easily isolated in different mountan systems.
2. The Turkey is the best place to look for - I know some good roads in Turkey with passpoints above 1600m.
So, this trip I find Susanomira.
The main problem - cow dung, sheep or goat - in mass, cow - rare.
Finaly I found some. On it some black Sepsis sp. and this yellow Sepsida. Susanomira has black point on wings too. It seems to me that yellow fly looks not as normal Sepsis - 2 rows ac, hairy thorax, general impression.
I ask it because I havn't microscop with me, but I have yet possibility to search in some more places.
So, please, wath do you think, is it Sepsis or not? (I can't say is strong seta on cx2 or not, my test it isn't as easy to find it even under microscop).