Thread subject: :: Trixa conspersa (Tachinidae)

Posted by Sundew on 07-09-2016 21:42

On 17 August I met a vexing fly on a wood edge in southwestern Germany (west of Stuttgart). Unfortunately I got only few pics, most of them poor. Nevertheless I hesitated to delete them, as I have no idea where to put this fly. My best idea was a Dinera (Tachinidae), but the arista seemed to be bare. Sarcophaginae should have some parafacial setulae that cannot be seen here. Rhinophoridae usually have another wing venation. Furthermore, there seem to be infuscated cross veins... So if someone knows this fly, I would be delighted!
Many thanks, Sundew

This is the habitus.

Edited by Sundew on 08-09-2016 11:04